
Nightly Opera Stream: The Magic Flute
This performance of Mozart’s beloved fairy tale, the first-ever Live in HD transmission, stars Matthew Polenzani and Ying Huang as Tamino and Pamina, Nathan Gunn as Papageno, Erika Miklósa as the Queen of the Night, and René Pape as Sarastro. This stream can be viewed until 6:30 p.m. EDT Tuesday, August 4.

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Make a Gift to the Met’s Emergency Campaign
The coronavirus pandemic has had serious economic implications for the Met and we need your help. Please make a gift to support our emergency campaign today. Your contribution will make a critical difference.

Opera’s greatest stars perform in a groundbreaking new series of pay-per-view concerts from striking locations around the globe, each live via satellite and shot with multiple cameras. Tickets now on sale.

Nightly Opera Streams, August 3–9
A week that features the very first Live in HD transmission, of The Magic Flute from 2006, and the most recent, of Handel’s scintillating satire Agrippina from this past February—as well as many other highlights. Review the schedule and dive into related articles, videos, podcasts, and more.

Met Opera on Demand
If you're enjoying the Nightly Opera Streams and would like on-demand access to the Met's entire catalogue of more than 700 complete performances, check out our subscription streaming service and start your seven-day free trial today.

2023–21 Season Update
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Global Summer Camp
This summer, students around the world can learn all about opera with the Metropolitan Opera’s Global Summer Camp. Through this eight-week, virtual camp, students will discover new operas while connecting with a global community of opera fans.

Nightly Opera Streams: Upcoming Schedule
Each day while the house is dark, a different encore presentation from the company’s Live in HD series is being made available for free streaming. Learn more about the initiative and explore the upcoming schedule.

Virtual Meeting Backgrounds
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